Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Back alley update

So this is not exactly sexy or exciting but it is work on the house none-the-less and is therefore included in this fantastic little blog.
Chris was taking out the trash one day and suddenly found himself two feet shorter as he crashed through the ground and was knee deep in the concrete alley way. A pit had formed through a leak in the drainage pipe out back. It happened at an opportune time. It was the same time we were taking the wall down and had tons of bits and pieces that we couldn't be put out for trash removal because they're too heavy and the precious trash man cannot take away anything over 50lbs. So we used it to fill in the pit that had recently formed in our alley way. Hooray!
Chris poured the cement and everything himself. According to him there were approximately 1000lbs of crap from the wall removal, 800 lbs of stone (in addition to the wall material to fill the hole) and 1200 lbs of concrete to smooth over the pit. All this material was shipped from the Home Depot in the back of his Passat to the house in only 3 trips! Unfortunately I did not get any pics of him in action. Just take my word for it, it is not as easy as these photos portray :)



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